Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions Do You have a question that you would like to see added to our list?

Contact Phone Numbers
Zoning Map

Zoning Ordinances
Subdivision Ordinance
Outside burning
Home water- saving kits
Automatic water and sewer bill payment
When are building permits needed
Drawing of Water meter installation guide
Drawing of Sewer line installation guide
Snow Removal Policy
Snow Removal
Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks
Water Shut-offs for Winter Vacationers
Water/Sewer Rates
Tips on how to Protect your Water Meter
Leaf Collection
Tree Removal Permits
Water Quality Report - 2015 
Water Quality Report - 2014
Forms to Print
"Citizen of the Month" Form
Somerset Borough Employment Application
Somerset Borough Police Employment Opportunities


Ordinance 1082 - High Weeds and Grass
Ordinance 1146 - Sidewalk Snow and Ice Removal
Ordinance 1234
- Coasting Vehicles
Ordinance 1259 - Pooper Scooper Law
Ordinance 1299 - Noise Ordinance
Ordinance 1300 - Animals Disturbing The Peace - Dog Barking Ordinance
Ordinance 1379 - Storm Water (2019)
Ordinance 1384 - Roadway Opening

Parking Licensing Program

Manage your Water/Sewer Account Online

Manage your Water/Sewer Account Online Sign up for your mySomersetBoro account and enjoy account access at your fingertips. All you need is some basic information from your water/sewer bill and a valid email address to get started.

With your mySomersetBoro account you can view your bills Online, view your usage and payment history and make Online payments from your checking account or by credit card. Don't want a paper bill, go completely paperless and sign up for ebills.

Types of payments accepted

  • Bank Account (ACH)
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • Discover
Credit Card Payments MasterCard, Discover Card,  American Express or Visa.



  • The Borough of Somerset does not charge a fee for Bank Account (ACH) payments.
  • A third-party fee will apply to all electronic credit card payments.
    • Fee for credit cards is 2.45% or $3.00 minimum charge.

Click the link to sign up for your mySomersetBoro account today!

Automatic Water/Sewer Bill Payment Comes To Somerset Borough

    The Borough of Somerset is offering a new way to pay water and sewer bills. Borough Council has entered into an agreement with Somerset Trust Company that enables Borough water and sewer customers to have the amount of their water/sewer bill automatically withdrawn from their checking or savings account. This service eliminates customers having to write a check and mailing it, or dropping it off at the Borough Building.    You will save the cost of checks, stamps, and gasoline, plus you'll never have to pay late charges. Your bill will be paid on time even when your on vacation. Each month you will receive a notice at least 10 days before your bill is due, showing you when it will be paid by automatic deduction. You may participate in this program no matter where you bank. There is no charge for this service.

    To find out more about this program, Click here for more information and to print out the proper form.

Home Water Saving Kits Available

A limited number of "home water-saving kits" are available at Somerset Borough's Water Office. These Kits can detect leaks in your bathroom toilet. Toilet tank leaks are almost undetectable to the naked eye, but can add significantly to your water bill. These kits include two dye tablets and information concerning leak detection and water conservation. They are available at no charge to customers of the Somerset Borough Water System. Stop in and ask for one, or pick one up while paying your water bill.


Because grass fires can be easily caused by burning, The Borough of Somerset has discontinued allowing leaves and yard waste to be burned. The only fires allowed are those that are used for cookouts. No burning of leaves; wood, yard waste etc ., just to cook food.

When are building permits needed?

Permits our required to construct, enlarge, alter, or demolish a structure. They are needed when the occupancy of a building or structure changes or when sanitary facilities are added.

Permits are required when a proposed change occurs in the use of a building, or when water or sewer service is requested, driveway construction planned, fencing erected, or streets excavated.

Permit applications may be obtained at the Building Inspections Department in the Borough Building, 347 West Union Street. Applications can also be printed from our web site.(Click Here) The Building Inspector will review all applications for permits and determine whether the proposed work zoning, building plumbing, mechanical and subdivision conform to various Borough Codes and Ordinances. If these Codes and Ordinances are met, a permit will be issued.

Web pages in our site:

Larger projects may need additional time for review and many require other agency permits:

  • State Department of Labor and Industry
  • County Conservation District
  • Borough Planning Commission
  • Borough Zoning Hearing Board
  • Department of Environmental Protection

Those with such projects are urged to get in touch with the Borough as early as possible in the planning stage. For further details, call 445-5595

Snow Removal Policy

It is the Borough's intention to keep all of its roads plowed and salted this winter. It is our policy to plow and salt any hills and main roads, then side streets and Borough Parking lots.

It would help our snow removal efforts if citizens would try to keep from parking along the roads during heavy snow. This way we will be able to keep roads clean more efficiently.

The following streets, although located within the Borough, are maintained by the State Department of Transportation:

  • Main Street
  • Patriot Street
  • Tayman Avenue
  • Gilmour Bypass
  • Felgar Road
  • Pleasant Avenue
  • Center Avenue
  • Cannel Drive (except the 100 block)

It is almost impossible for the equipment operators not to push some snow into driveways that are already plowed. If you must plow your driveway prior to completion of the street plowing, clear an area on the side of the driveway from which the truck will approach. This provides an area for snow to unload before it reaches the driveway.

Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks

Ordinance Number 1146 requires all owners or occupants of property as tenants, fronting on any of the streets in the Borough of Somerset to keep the sidewalks in front of, or along said properties clear free of snow and ice. This is to help insure that pedestrians pass safely over sidewalks.

Water Shut-offs For Winter Vacationer

Customers who wish to have their water service shut off for the winter should notify our water office two weeks prior to the day of shutoff. This allows sufficient time to locate and check the shutoff valve at the curb. This step is necessary to determine if the valve is functioning properly. A malfunctioning shutoff valve could cause internal plumbing damage if not taken care of before cold weather arrives. The Borough has a fact sheet available which outlines the guidelines for disconnecting water/sewer services during extended periods of absence. Please call 443-2661 if you would like a copy, or stop in and pick one up while you are paying your water bill.

Tips on How to Protect your Water Meters

During Winter Months, we asked that you take special care to protect your water meter from freezing. This will not only help us by not having to send an employee to repair the frozen meters, but is beneficial to you and the owner/tenant of the property are responsible for for paying for the frozen water meter and for the labor for replacing it. Some tips on preventing damage caused by frozen meters:

Locate the meter in a place that is heated and out of the wind and weather (like a basement or crawl space). If the meter or water lines are not in a properly heated area, wrap your meter and water lines with insulation and/or heat tapes (Available at local hardware stores). In extreme cases of cold, let one of your faucets run very slowly. A slight increase in your water bill may be better than the costly task of replacing frozen meters, water pipes, or property damage.

Leaf Collection and Grass Clippings

As part of the Borough's Recycling Program, a site is being provided at the Borough's Public Works Garage at 644 South Franklin Avenue for residents of the Borough to drop off grass clippings. These clippings will be mixed with the leaves that are collected each fall to enhance the Borough's composting activities. Similar to leaf collection procedure, Borough residents can obtain stickers at the municipal building for each bag of grass clippings they want to dispose of. Each bag with a proper sticker may then be dropped of at the Borough's Public Works Garage Monday through Friday between 7am and 3:30 pm.

Under Pennsylvania Recycling Program, leaves must be separated from regular garbage. Residents are reminded not to sweep leaves into the street. This will result in a fine. The practice of burning leaves and yard waste is also prohibited. For those of us wishing to dispose of our leaves, the Borough will be arranging for several dates for leave pickup in the fall. As in previous years, stickers must be placed on each bag of leaves set out for pickup, and can be obtained at the municipal building. Continue watching the Daily American, as well as our web site for additional information and instructions toward the fall of the year.

Click here to learn more about our Leave Recycling Program.

Tree Removal

The Following procedures is to be followed to obtain a permit to remove trees between the sidewalk and curb. No trees in this location may be removed without a permit.

Call the Borough Secretary's Office (443-2661) to make your request. If approved, a permit is issued which will tell how many trees are to be removed and whether they must be replanted,

The permit will have an expiration date for completion of the work. All trees must be removed to ground level to avoid stumps lining the street.

Residents are reminded: planting the Carolina Popular, Lombardy Popular and Willow tree is prohibited in the Borough by Ordinance No. 177, adopted June 22, 1911. The root of these trees infiltrate and eventually cause broken pipes in water and sewer lines. Questions may be directed to the Borough Secretary.

This is the Borough of Somerset guide lines to install a water meter set.

Single Meter Set Image

Multiple Meter Set Image

Somerset Borough Sewer Lateral Requirements

Sewer Lateral Image